Fruit trees such as Apples, Pears, Plum, Cherries, and Peaches should be planted in full sun and well-drained soil.
Place trees on a southeast side of the property.
Avoid areas with heavy winds that can be damaging to branches.
Do not plant in low spots that can hold in frost and moisture.
Amend the soil with compost or peat moss.
Dig a hole a little larger but not deeper than the pot.
Remove the plastic pot and set the plant into the hole. Plant at the same depth as the soil line on the plants, no roots should be above the soil.
Compact the soil around the plant enough to hold the plant firmly in place.
Water thoroughly.
Trees should be staked through the first growing season until the roots have established.
Apply about 3 inches of mulch around the planting area. Keep the mulch 1-2 inches from the trunk.
Liquid fertilizers can be applied 1-2 weeks after planting when plants are established; fertilize spring and fall.
Slow release fertilizers; these are available in granules that can be mixed into the top of the soil and watered in.
Each year remove suckers and broken or damaged branches. Prune out branches that rub together as this can cause wounds that will invite disease and insects.
Pruning should be done in later winter - early spring.
Remove all fruit that has fallen off the tree. The site should be kept clean to prevent disease and insects.
Apply All Seasons Spray Oil to control over-wintering insects. Apply as directed on label.
Apply Fruit Tree Spray as directed on label.